

GPS coordinates

Latitude: 36.5080063222873 | Longitude: -4,893797636032

  C/ Camilo José Cela 3, 29602, Marbella - Malaga (España)


Content Blocks

In car

  • From Malaga airport, follow direction ALGECIRAS or CADIZ by the highway A-7.
  • Stay on the A-7 (optionally you can take the tollway AP-7 in high season, but at the height of Marbella it would be more difficult to find us) until exit Km 184 indicated as MARBELLA CENTRO URBANO/POLÍGONO INDUSTRIAL.
  • You enter Marbella by its main street.
  • Continue until you pass a park on the left.
  • Keep following until the first allowed turn left, indicated by a Deutsche Bank on the left corner.
  • Take this turn left just before the Deutsche Bank and then take the third to the right.
  • We are in this street at 100m on your left.